肖淮远转而夹起炭火,朝亨利温声道:“How is it? Are you fortable?(怎么样,舒服吗?)”
亨利疼得呲牙咧嘴,眼睛恶狠狠地瞪着肖淮远,“You arrested me. Aren't you afraid that my team headquarters will cause you trouble?”
肖淮远漫不经心地笑了下:“What are they? Even if the United States asks me to release you, it won't work.(他们算什么东西?就算是M国找我要人,也没用。)”
“You are too arrogant!(你太嚣张了!)”亨利大喊。
肖淮远挑了挑眉:“Arrogant? Are you and your organization more arrogant than me?(嚣张?有你和你的组织嚣张吗?)”
说着,肖淮远语气一转,神情带上冷意:“Tell me. What position do you hold in the Scavenger? What tasks did they assign to you?”
亨利闻言,瞳孔放大,惊讶道:“You know the Scavenger?(你知道清道夫?)”
肖淮远薄唇微勾,目光摄人地看向他:“Otherwise, how could I have found you, Henry.(不然我是如何找上你的呢,亨利。)”
肖淮远也不恼,不紧不慢道:“My time is limited. So, Henry, tell me everything you know, including your mission, Suiling, and the Kikuky?ha.”